Services DPO Group

Other Services & Products

In addition to our core services, DPO Group team is happy to assist our clients in tackling various issues, many of which require tailored approach. We are ready to offer you all our potentials to provide your company with high quality and time-efficient services.

SLA - quality guaranteed!

In order to make our customers feel confident that their requests for technical support will be resolved in timely and complete manner, we have implemented a Service Level Agreement (SLA) which covers all standard support packs. Due to the fact that many services can not be offered in the frames of standard package (we have to take into consideration all customer's particularities), we can develop a special SLA covered plan for you.

System Security

System security issues are often a big concern to both owners of servers, and those who support these servers. Unfortunately, maintaining an acceptable level of security is a continuous process. Once started it never ends. This is not a one-time service. That's why we strongly recommend our customers to purchase system security as a subscription service, and not a one-time interference.

System Monitoring

Service engineers responsible for monitoring of servers and network equipment are our eyes and ears. That is why System Monitoring is a staple of all our services aimed at equipment support. Perhaps as a separate service our monitoring may not look like a good deal to you. You may find it illogical to pay for something you can arrange yourself free of charge. However, once you learn a little more about our monitoring system, you will probably change your mind.

Data Migration

Certainly, data migration remains a challenge as it often runs not as smooth as you want. We are here to take all the stress out of data migration process. When carefully prepared and wisely conducted, it can run smoothly and efficiently. Our own solution (RS-NDM) allows you to reduce the down time to a few minutes.

High Availability Solutions

SIn today’s challenging business environment, business data is often under the pressure of enumerable threats of different dimensions. Unexpected interruptions to data and applications often result in critical business loss. Have you ever imagined about such unexpected disasters?


Such words as "virtualization", "cloud", "virtual environment" ets. have become very popular over the last several years. Virtualization is a really great solution. You may find it important to learn more about what server virtualization can do for you. There are numerous advantages of virtualization and each can give you particular benefits.

VoIP Management

We don't mean to boast, but our engineers are true professionals in VoIP PBX Deployment and Management. We provide services to businesses of all sizes and kinds from small companies to large call centers, for which the VoIP PBX is not a luxury, but a business necessity. We don't mean to boast, but our engineers are true professionals in VoIP PBX Deployment and Management.

Network Management

DPO Group recommends choosing a networking hardware from well-known manufacturers as there is hardly another way to get high quality, reliable services and security. However, this is not enough. It is essential that you choose the right specialist to offer you competent service. Our team of qualified engineers provides 7/24 network management and technical support.

Data backup and restore

Imagine for a moment that the data stored on your server have suddenly disappeared. Of course, the first thing you will check are backups of your data. In DPO Group give the most careful attention to backing up your customers' data. We are equally good at organizing backups and restore recovering data using both simple tools and complex solutions.

Consulting & System Audit

We do not question your competence, but maybe the problem you are trying to overcome has already been solved by our experts and we will be happy to share our experience with you. Don't you think it is much wiser to use someone else's knowledge rather than waste a lot of time looking for the right solution? Sometimes it is enough to get things going in the right direction to make everything fall into place and understand what to do and how to do it.


When we face common problems that arise again and again, we do our best so that these problems would never happen again or could be resolved quickly and easily. Since the most common problems are web servers load balancing, mail servers' performance, spam, and data migration, we have developed our own products which largely address these common problems.

Want to learn more about our services?
Contact us and we will get back to you with optimal solution.