Services DPO Group

Server Management

No matter what kind of server we support — Dedicated or Virtual.
No matter which Service Plan you choose — Hourly or Monthly.
What matters is that with our support your server works as you require. DPO Group offers a wide range of Technical Support options for servers, which differ from each other, but deliver equally excellent results - they work as well, as you want them to.

Starting from April 2011 DPO Group established strong strategic partnership with CloudLinux™ . Due to high quality of services, appreciated by CloudLinux™, DPO Group was selected for CloudLinux™ OS technical support. CloudLinux™ OS - is an excellent product that ensures stable functioning of hosting servers regardless of load bursts created by any of its users. DPO Group has a strong experience in server management for servers with CloudLinux™ OS and strongly recommends CloudLinux™ OS as an efficent tool for ensuring continuity of services provided by hosting providers.

Hourly Server Management

It's a perfect solution for those customers who manage their servers by themselves, but from time to time face challenges which they need support with to overcome. If you are stuck in an apparently unresolvable problem - no need to worry! You can't know it all, and can't do it all yourself. Contact DPO Group. Whatever your problem is, there are experts among our staff who have probably seen it before. They will be happy to be of assistance to you. With our Hourly Server Management Plan you can concentrate on your professional goals.

Server Management Subscriptions

If you're not going to manage your own servers, or server, the best idea is to choose one of the Server Management Subscription Plans. All Subscription Packages provide support from a strong team of L1, L2, and L3 engineers / system architects 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with no weekends and holidays.

VPS Nodes Management

Haphazard administration of virtual servers may lead to 100% real problems. At best, your would lose your time and nerves; at worst, you'd risk losing your customers and their money. This is the reality that some have already faced. DPO Group has extensive experience in virtual servers management. Our support for virtual servers is absolutely real, and our customers feel it!


What do we do for more efficient Server Management?

  • We keep our finger on the pulse of your servers — our proactive 24/7 monitoring helps us detect any deviation from the norm. The monitoring system is a DPO Group unique in-house development that allows to avoid false alarm responses. The servers are monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at five-minute intervals. If the problem is not resolved within 10 minutes after the alarm, the server will send a message to the owners to alert them of the problem.
  • We ensure the safety of your servers — we carefully set the security in the beginning and conduct periodic audits. Upon customer's request we conduct specialized security audits.
  • We keep your servers tuned up — we regularly update the OS and installed software.
  • We help you get more from your servers — we optimize them for maximum productivity.
  • We know your servers' strengths and weaknesses — we analyze their performance and conduct stress tests.
  • We protect the servers from spam and viruses — we install the corresponding software. *
  • We make it easy to work with hosting servers — we install and manage web hosting control panels (Cpanel, Directadmin, etc.).
  • We care about the data stored on servers — we perform backups and data recovery if needed.*
  • We help servers to service their owners every whim — we install additional software. *
  • We provide server owners with consulting services on a wide range of issues related to their servers' performance.
  • We thoroughly analyze the market to provide our customers with the most efficient products and technologies.

* — on customer additional request.

Want to make your server happy?
Contact us and we will help you to do it efficiently.