Services DPO Group

Service Level Agreement



This Service Level Agreement (hereinafter SLA) regulates the conditions on provision of the services by DPO Group and use of the said services by the Customer.

Last time the SLA conditions were renewed on 18 April 2011 and can be further amended at any time without prior notice.

SLA supplements “Terms of Service” and is an integral part therein. SLA determines content and areas of the permitted guaranteed indexes of the service quality, as well as amount and form of compensation in case the guarantees under this Agreement are breached.


2.1. Service Level Agreement – compliance by the company with the timeframes of the effective response to request about technical support or terms of its solution in accordance with its Technical Support Priorities.

2.2. Ticket – request for technical support created by the Customer in the Technical Support department using Request System (Helpdesk).

2.3. SLA Breach – exceeding the maximum timeframe required for the effective response or the timeframe required for the ticket solution in accordance with the terms and level of the ticket solution in compliance with its Technical Support Priorities.

2.4. Maximum timeframe of the effective response – maximum permitted time period from the time the Customer sends a technical support request until the time the DPO Group Technical Support department sends the answer, which should outline the status of the works being performed, the list of completed actions, recommendations, schedule of further actions etc.

2.5. Maximum timeframe of the problem solution – maximum permitted time period from the time the Customer sends a technical support request until the time the problem is completely solved, or is solved partially without any significant failure of the equipment’s or servers’ operation.

2.6. SLA Compensation – one time payment deducted from the service amount during the next payment period.

2.7. Standard subscription to the services – subscriptions to the server maintenance services or VPS nodes management, conditions of which comply with the conditions outlined on the “Server Management Subscriptions” and “VPS Nodes Management” pages at DPO Group official website.


DPO Group provides services described in “Terms of Service”. Services are provided 24 hours a day including weekends and holidays.


The Parties of this Agreement agree that DPO Group guarantees the quality level of the services described herein below, only within its limit of responsibility, namely – within the scope of service of the equipment having the standard subscription (service subscription) on provision of the services.
SLA applies only to tickets created via Request System (Helpdesk). Requests for technical support created using other means of communication (phone, e-mail, LiveChat) are not dealt with pursuant to the terms of this SLA.


5.1. DPO Group guarantees to its customers the compliance with SLA in connection with the maximum timeframe for the effective response or problem solution. Maximum timeframe of the effective response to request or its solution is determined by the Technical Support Priorities.

5.2. SLA Breach qualifies as a ground for the Customer to request the compensation from the company (provided that the conditions of SLA provision are complied with). Payment of the compensation is executed pursuant to the Customer's request made to the payments department of DPO Group.

5.3. The amount of compensation paid to the Customer in connection with any given SLA Breach is equal to 25% of the amount of one active monthly subscription for the maintenance of one equipment unit in connection to which the breach has occurred.

5.4. If SLA is breached in connection to a ticket related to several subscriptions (maintenance of several equipment units), the compensation is calculated from the highest subscription.

5.5. The amount and terms of the compensation for SLA Breach with the Customer who have different subscriptions for the services of the company (for instance one subscription for the maintenance of several equipment units, subscriptions with different price) is determined with the Customer individually and is included in the agreement with him/her.

5.6. The maximum amount of the monthly compensation to the Customer (the amount of all compensations for SLA Breaches during calendar month) can not exceed 25% of the total value of all active monthly subscriptions.


The present SLA are available only for Standard subscription to the services (p. 2.7.).
Conditions of SLA for nonstandard subscriptions can be developed by Customer's request.

The Customer can request the payment of compensation for SLA Breach upon compliance with the following conditions:

6.1. The number of simultaneous tickets of the Customer for technical support with “Open/Escalated” status do not exceed 5 (or 10% of the total number of serviced equipment units if more than 50 units are serviced).

6.2. The number of simultaneous tickets of the Customer for technical support with “Open/Escalated” status and with “Critical” priority do not exceed 2.

6.3. There are no tickets with the same problem.

6.4. The level of ticket’s priority determined by the Customer is in compliance with criteria of the Technical Support Priorities.

6.5. At the time of SLA Breach the Customer does not have any outstanding payments (invoices that have to be paid, invoices with expired payment term).

6.6. SLA applies only to the time period included to the service subscription package.

6.7. SLA does not apply for services without subscription or services provided on an hourly basis.

6.8. In order to receive compensation the Customer must submit a request to the payments department of DPO Group along with the ticket number (code) during the processing of which the SLA Breach occurred and the date of the said SLA Breach. 6.9. The Customer may submit a compensation request for SLA Breach not later than three calendar months from the date the breach occurred.

6.9. DPO Group Administration will within 5 calendar days accept/reject the compensation request. In case the request is rejected the Customer will be provided with the detaield informtion about the reasons of the rejection.

6.10. The compensation for SLA Breach will be in the form of a relevant discount for the services during the payment period falling after the reciept of a ticket with compensation request.

6.11. DPO Group does not pay compensations for SLA Breaches if there is no request from the Customer or if a compensation request is made in conenction with SLA Breach that took place more than three months ago.

6.12. In case the official DPO Group rates will change, SLA conditions will automatically come into force for the maintenance services of the relevant equipment units from the moment new subscription is activated in connection to them.